2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm Special Offer
You can buy 2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy 2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm. Also read our 2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm reviews before you decide to buy 2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to 2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
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2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm Reviews
Awesome Bike for a Great Price, February 27, 2012 By This review is from: 2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm (Misc.) I ordered this bike as a Christmas gift for my husband and was immediately aesthetically pleased. The bike has a nice simple black paint job, white handle bars, white chain, white rims and seat. Super sleek and sexy. I have a few snobby bike friends who don't have a problem dropping 3k on road bikes, and they all complimented the look of the bike and gave the "ok" on the Reynolds frame.
Performance - my husband is more of a local rider. Around town, to the gym, not really leaving the neighborhood. So for him it worked. Last week my road bike was out of commission so I decided to ride it to work. 10 miles away, few areas of steady incline and a giant hill that never seems to end. I was skeptical yet determined to ride to work that day. The bike performed beautifully! It has a comfortable standing position so I powered up the giant hill with no problems, and the one gear is has was perfect for the remainder of the ride. I timed my ride and it was almost the same as when I take my... Read more
Bike is everything I expected and more. 5*s, December 30, 2011 By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: 2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm (Misc.) Orderd on Christmas got it on the 30th, super fast shipping! Bike is everything I expected and more. 5*s! Took it to a local bike shop for a few minor adjustments to be safe. This bike rides like it looks, excellent. Good quality for a low price, quoted from the dude at the bike shop. I totally recommend this bike for a begginer in the hip fixie bike world.
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![]() By This review is from: 2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm (Misc.) I ordered this bike as a Christmas gift for my husband and was immediately aesthetically pleased. The bike has a nice simple black paint job, white handle bars, white chain, white rims and seat. Super sleek and sexy. I have a few snobby bike friends who don't have a problem dropping 3k on road bikes, and they all complimented the look of the bike and gave the "ok" on the Reynolds frame.Performance - my husband is more of a local rider. Around town, to the gym, not really leaving the neighborhood. So for him it worked. Last week my road bike was out of commission so I decided to ride it to work. 10 miles away, few areas of steady incline and a giant hill that never seems to end. I was skeptical yet determined to ride to work that day. The bike performed beautifully! It has a comfortable standing position so I powered up the giant hill with no problems, and the one gear is has was perfect for the remainder of the ride. I timed my ride and it was almost the same as when I take my... Read more ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: 2011 HASA Track Fixie Single Speed Road Bike 53cm (Misc.) Orderd on Christmas got it on the 30th, super fast shipping! Bike is everything I expected and more. 5*s! Took it to a local bike shop for a few minor adjustments to be safe. This bike rides like it looks, excellent. Good quality for a low price, quoted from the dude at the bike shop. I totally recommend this bike for a begginer in the hip fixie bike world. |
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