Buy Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch)

Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) Special Offer

You can buy Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch). Also read our Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) reviews before you decide to buy Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) Reviews

Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch). If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Customer Rating:
Rating: 1.0
Price : Check Special Offer Today (Limited Time Offer)

Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch)

Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) Overview:

  • Aggressive free-ride frame
  • SRAM derailleur and twist shifters
  • Front disc brake
  • Alloy rims, 21 speed

Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) Reviews, On Sale Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch), buy Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch), Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) best buy, Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) Discount, Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) For Sale

Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch)

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Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) Reviews
Customer Reviews
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars I regret purchasing this bike!, March 6, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Victory Vision 8-Ball Bike (Gray/Black, 26-Inch) (Sports)
I gave it a one star because that's as low as I can go on the rating. Otherwise I'd give it NO star. This bike is a complete piece of crap. The bike came in a box but yet the frame and the brake levers were scratched. It looked like someone had a great time falling and abusing the bike before they shipped it. The small chainring/crank was warped, the rear derailleur was made of plastic and was broken, both shifters did not lock into gear and kept slipping, the handlebar grips slips off while riding, the seatpost slides down no matter how tight I tightened the clamp, both rims and the freewheel were wobbling, and the right pedal makes a popping noise. Wait there's more! The rear axle is slightly bent! How on earth do you get a bent axle on a brand new bike? The rear wheel keeps on slipping out of alignment. The only reason why I did not return is because I did not want to pay shipping for a box that's over 40 lbs and my daughter wanted to go for a ride on her new trailer, so I decided... Read more
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